说起“关山蓝果”这个人,果然不出蚊子所料,确实至少在中国境内没听过,在网上也查不到这个人,这就不能怪蚊子孤陋寡闻了。于是只好将这首歌的来源处之图放出来了= =!
《医龙》也是一部很感人的的春季日剧,而且听说好象每一话只要有了特别感人的地方,这歌就会唱起来。蚊子并不排斥日剧,所以在考虑要不要买来看……= =
Aesthetic (Music:泽野弘之 Vocal:関山蓝果)
作词:今井麻纪子 作曲:泽野弘之 Vocal:関山蓝果
Longing for you day and in dream
I'm hoping you are here and leading my way
You steers my road anytime I need
If you walk away, I will follow you
Trying my life
With your sacred gifts you gave to me
I won’t vain and succeed it as your precious soul
Holding your hand
And I'm walking through the all of the world
Carrying your wish like the Venus in the dim sky